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Octro announces the launch of Soccer Battles

Octro announces the launch of Soccer Battles

Octro Inc, the mobile gaming company from India, today announced the launch of its new game Soccer Battles. Set in a futuristic era, the multiplayer game combines soccer and action-strategy.

Soccer battles, a game of ultimate twist of Soccer with a dash of action, is a game to demonstrate strength and skill. The game requires a skillfull use of various characters and powers, in order to win.

Soft launched on Google Play Store and iOS App Store, the game is set into the future where superhumans have panned wide-scale colonisation, which has led to cosmic bloodshed. So, a soccer tournament to demonstrate strength and skill is played, with the winner bestowed with ultimate glory and the right to inhabit another planet. For the players, the objective of the game is to score maximum points by pushing the ball into the opponent’s area. Players get scored based upon the distance that characters cover with the ball. 3 points for crossing the first touchdown, 5 points for second touchdown and 10 points for a goal. In order for a player to battle it out with other players, the player has to form his team with a right combination of superhumans, super-mechs, powers etc.

Commenting on the new game, Saurabh Aggarwal, CEO, Octro Inc. said, “In the last few years, we have been planning to diversify into different genres at Octro. Our goal was to design a high fidelity gaming IP  with unique toon style locations but with the feel of a normal playing area. We fundamentally wanted to create a real time multiplayer game that has a unique balance of soccer and action. Soccer battles is a first of a kind game to have solid but simple game mechanics that are not only easy to understand but also provide an engaging gaming experience to our users. We are already witnessing multiple incoming interests in taking this game out of India for international markets”.

Manav Sethi, CMO, Octro Inc. further added, The early perception of Soccer Battles has been positive, which has made us believe that the IP has a potential to go global. It has been very well taken and loved by sweet spot of 10-18 year olds.”

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Disclaimer: Information mentioned here has not been verified or endorsed by The Gaming Reporter and is in accordance with the press release shared by the company or their appointed representatives.

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